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Thread #72848   Message #1259116
Posted By: GUEST
28-Aug-04 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
Subject: RE: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
I've switched my vote from Nader to Cobb.

Don, I like you and know we differ very little on certain issues.

Where we part company is on political values.

You embrace the "top of the ticket" political values of the mainstream political parties, which dictates that you should only vote for their candidates because only their candidates can win. That is why you can't see any other way forward into the future, than continuing to vote for one or the other party's candidate for president. That isn't a very democratic system. It is a king making system.

Instead of that top down, royalist sort of philosophy, I embrace political values that reflects a grassroots, bottom up philosophy, that is informed by the social (not strictly political!) movements with which I am aligned. It the shared political values of the social movements I work to support in everyday life, mostly in ways that don't include electoral politics, and most importantly, not just during election years, that best reflect my political values and theirs, when I vote for candidates who are independent of the duopoly.

So while a lot of you Kerry supporters keep claiming there are no differences between you and the Nader or Green folks, you really do have it wrong. There are profound differences in our political values.