The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72848   Message #1259234
Posted By: Nerd
28-Aug-04 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
Subject: RE: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
So you'd like to ratchet it down? Fine, but don't try to BS us about who rathceted it up in the first place.

Here's a great example of your own level of discourse, GUEST, from the thread in which I asked you to explain why you like Cobb (which you STILL haven't done):

"And it is plain as day to me, that Democrats, nearly to a person, are perfectly content to play along with the delusions and deceptions of their party, and pretend like they aren't every bit as despicable and corrupt as their Republican brethren. But they are Nerd."

Now YOU would never call people names, would you GUEST? So you're just the man to accuse others of dragging the discourse into the gutter.