The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1259255
Posted By: LilyFestre
28-Aug-04 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest
I recieved a phone call last week from Veronica's mother. She wants Veronica to come back and live with her on a full time basis. Why? She said, "Veronica's punishment is over. She knows that if she is bad I will send her away again."


This is the same woman who has called her daughter only 3 times in the last EIGHT MONTHS!!! She did not call Veronica on her birthday or send her a card or anything....nor did she do it the day after or the week after. This is the same woman who "FORGOT" to pick up her daughter at the bus station for a SCHEDULED summer visit. The very same woman who has not written to her daughter in EIGHTEEN MONTHS!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry but you DO NOT send your child away for 18 months for misbehaving (not following directions, talking back...nothing major)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then her mother changed her mind and said she wanted Veronica to come visit for a week. I knew then that we wouldn't ever be seeing Veronica again. I had a bad feeling and everyone was trying to be positive and said she'd be back...but it's official....Veronica is gone and will not be returning. I am so fucking sad that I don't know what to do with myself. Technically, there is nothing I can do because she is not my child nor do I have custody of her. All I can do is hope that Veronica experienced what family love is all about while she was here...and that she will never ever forget what it feels like to be loved and valued.   :(
