The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1259351
Posted By: jacqui.c
29-Aug-04 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest

My heart goes out to you - it must be so difficult to be in your situation.

Veronica will never forget your love and care for her and I too think she will be back, but she may lay some of the blame on you for letting her go - children that age don't see the practicalities, only knowing the feeling of not being wanted.

I can't understand how a mother can behave in such a way - this is just total selfishness and selfcentredness. Parenting is the most important thing that we do in our lifetimes and it seems that so many parents are so ill equipped for the role. It's a shame that parents don't have to take an exam to show they can do the job properly before being let loose on such an important mission!