The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1259427
Posted By: wysiwyg
29-Aug-04 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know the ground you are walking on better than you can probably realize. It's bitter ground now matter how you look at it. I'm writing from that exeprience as well as from being involved in a lot of others' situations from my husband's work.

I hope that Veronica will be able to call you, and I hope you will continue the connection from your end. If you let just a little time pass and then write to her, I would bet her mother will give her the letter. You can do so much to lift her up. The tough part, as I indicated in a post above, will be the boundary issues inherent in any stepchild or foster-child situation. These not only remain but are now more important than ever, and I hope you will get some support so that you can continue to be a strong, loving influence in Veronica's life.

Please do not ever forget that you sent back a young lady better equipped to handle whatever will come her way, in her home and in her environment. She has far more power in that situation than it probably feels like. That one is a survivor, and her chances are better now than they ever were before you knew her. I know that right now all you can focus on is the hurt, and your concerns for her wellbeing, and they are valid concerns. But she WILL keep all she gained during her time with you, not only what you gave her but from ALL the friends she made. And she will continue to do what I think she's always done well-- make lemonade from lemons.

Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. She (and her two families) will be in our prayers.
