The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72774   Message #1259460
Posted By: Bill D
29-Aug-04 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
Subject: RE: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
Rabbi Sol...I read Kierkegaard's anaylysis of Abraham's test many years ago in "Fear & Trembling", and it is still a regular topic for debate in classes on Ethics and Religion. The "teleological suspension of the ethical" is the formal name for what Abraham is supposed to have done. Indeed, that IS a test of the highest faith.

But the point is, that Abraham was supposedly told directly by God to go forward with this sacrifice....that is, the order came down in a voice that was unmistakable..etc. The problem is, every year or two we read of someone in custody for murder who also claims they got "direct orders from god". How are we to tell, if God chooses to speak only to the ones directly involved? I daresay, if someone came by and found you or I preparing for a sacrifice of a son, they would likely call the police and the 'test' would be terminated.

I can only refer to my earlier post..*IF* your first premise is that God does make the rules and can subject us to these tests, *then* almost anything you do in His name is explained by definition. I simply see no way to identify which, if any, of the many claims abounding in this complex world do reflect "infinite wisdom".

It boils down to this: An omnipotent God would presumably be able to clarify his power and wishes in ways that leave no room for doubt...but he seems not to have done this for a couple of thousand years. If he made his subjects fallible and subject to doubt and confusion, but with minds capable of logic and analysis, then he really ought to post reminders a bit more often. If every Sunday (or Saturday, in your case) the clouds parted and "words were writ" on the sky with the 'reminder of the week', we would not be having this debate.

None of this 'proves' your position is wrong, it merely explains why mine is NOT disproven.