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Thread #72848   Message #1259637
Posted By: Nerd
30-Aug-04 - 02:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
Subject: RE: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'

First, you are quoting the rating given to Congress by the League of Conservation Voters--who have endorsed Kerry.

Uh, yeah. That was the point. So have the other major environmental groups.

It is also essentially meaningless when you look at Kerry's record on trade, which LCV doesn't,

grasping at straws there GUEST. You're trying to say that groups like LCV and Sierra Club are not serious environmentalists. These are groups that have done far more than the Green party or any party.

Did you forget, or are you just choosing to ignore Kerry's vote against Kyoto?

Neither. I gave you statistics from the League of Conservation Voters. The Kyoto accord would have been one vote out of many. I repeat, he only has a 96% rating overall! Not nearly as good as...well, as...heck, it's one of the best in the Senate, but it's not PERFECT!

The global grassroots movements aren't aligned by nations anymore, because the corporate capitalists that are undermining participatory democracy around the globe transcend them legally, economically, and politically. These movements are creating decentralized, non-hierarchical webbed organizational structures that confound the mainstream, hierarchical, top down corporate models with charismatic "leaders" calling all the shots. The internet has been central to this type of parallel universe, and the activists working as a part of this web are no longer naive enough to believe that electoral politics will create social, political, and economic change: rather, these are the people who have already figured out that electoral politics have become one of the greatest barriers to those changes.

so you don't believe in electoral politics. Maybe that's why you STILL haven't given a single reason why you like Cobb.

By the way, I find it interesting that m7 challenge was to post a thread about why you LIKE COBB, and you turned it into an attack on Democrats, with your first post beginning:

In answser to the Nerd "Who is David Cobb" challenge, this is the thread to discuss the Green/third party/indie candidate alternatives to the "Anybody But Bush" Democratic party line.

The challenge wasn't to attack Democrats or what you claim to be their party line, it was to extol the virtues of Cobb. You seem completely unwilling to do that, preferring instead to post articles that attack Kerry and other Democrats, and talk about voting third party inthe abstract.

Once again, why do you like Cobb?

And try to answer without any reference to Kerry or your hatred of democrats.