The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72848   Message #1259996
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
30-Aug-04 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
Subject: RE: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
Both parties have a dismal record on the environment- but for different reasons.    That is not just my opinion, but the general consensus from last year's MEEA conference (Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance) which brings together the leading environmentalishts, legislatures, renewable energy suppliers, appliance manufacturers, and utilities in the country.    I am going again the end of september.   I will let you know if the consensus is different.

Garrison Keilor was on O'reilly and looked really bad.   O'reilly asked Keilor to explain several quotes from his book and he had no explanation.   He just said he doesn't follow politics, is a simple guy from Minnesota, and you really shouldn't take him seriously.   As a folkie who likes Keilor I was embarrassed.   At the end O'reilly asked Keilor what he expected in the interview.   Keilor said he really didn't know who O'reilly was, had never listened to him, and knew nothing about O'reilly.    Incredibly stupid to go on a show watched by millions of people and not know anything about your inteviewer.   Very sad.   After that interview, I lost a lot of respect for Keilor and would not follow any of his political advice.