The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72774   Message #1260100
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
30-Aug-04 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
Subject: RE: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
Evolution is not a belief. It's a scientific fact. Some would call it a scientific theory but it is really is accepted by every scientist who is credible as a reliable view. Creationism is not a scientific fact and if Bush believes in it,
it will impair his view of running the country. Creationism is dogma and is based on some pseudo-Christian interpretation of the bible. It requires that one who believes it operates on "faith". Scientists do not operate on faith.
Empirical evidence is what is important. So, if Bush operates on this "faith" called Creationism, it has implications for the running of our country.

It's amazing that after all these years the ghost of William Jennings Bryant
resurfaces at the revisiting of the Scopes Trial. You would think that Darrow put that to rest.

I don't know whether Bush has a position on Evolution. I do know that the so-called Religious political right that he panders to is trying to force Creationism into the science classes of the public school system. Bush may be behind this.
