The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72819 Message #1260276
Posted By: Blackcatter
30-Aug-04 - 09:54 PM
Thread Name: You Like Olympics American Anthem style?
Subject: RE: You Like Olympics American Anthem style?
McGrath - it's not that people might assume their American bombs that bothers me. That it's tied drirectly to war is what bothers me. I'm no expert on the lyrics of other national anthems, but i'd really like one that describes what makes America great - in mostly a non-violent way. That's why America the Beatiful is pretty nice. This Land would be great too, but would we ever decide if there are "official" lyrics?
I'll look to see about the word "anthem," also I'm now curious to what the lyrics to other anthems are. I know Canada pretty well and God Save the Queen.