The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72774   Message #1260332
30-Aug-04 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
Subject: RE: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
I agree with your statement about the use of that metaphor, and I think that the use of ANY metaphor in argumet leads to misunderstandings. But please consider that for those relatively few who understand, the math was sufficient to 'see' Einstein's work or Heisenberg's work. But for the public at large, explanations required the use of similies and metaphors. So, while it is prudent to discout the ne I cut and pasted about Mt Rushmore, it is not prudent to do away with them altogether.

Having said that, what I have not yet done on this thread is state my 'beliefs' to do with the debate. Much like robomatic, I enjoy the back and forth from so many very well-spoken people, and it's neat to see a thread that has maintained a civil voice throughout.

I know that science and scientific method have much to offer us and our understanding of the world/universe. I think that 'spirituality' does, too.