The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72869   Message #1260724
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
31-Aug-04 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Talk about body sugar levels anyone?
Subject: RE: BS: Talk about body sugar levels anyone?
Rapaire, if your pasta is eaten in the right food combination, it doesn't need to be off limits either. Moderation, as has been said, is crucial to ANY diet working. I understand the rationale, and have read of studies in other countries, but I tend to disagree with the race-based diet in someplace like the U.S. because we have been too far removed from a specific authochthonous diet for too long to be adapted to a type and we've intermingled genetically. If people are living in the place where their ancestors have spent several centuries, perhaps. And if their food source hasn't been adulterated by markets and the promotion of processed (an relatively) imported foods.

The ethnobotanist Gary Nabhan has written about an environmentally balanced and sustainable diet (Coming Home to Eat: the Pleasures and Politics of Local Foods that people should try to practice, in which they eat foods that are in season and come from the area within a 250 mile radius of their home. This would tend to duplicate Mary's indigenous diet reference, but in a modern world. And depending on where you live, you may not find an across-the-board balance of foodstuffs available. You might have to start your own garden and raise your own meat!