The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72514   Message #1262107
Posted By: katlaughing
01-Sep-04 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
Subject: RE: BS: Literary challenge..go for it!!
There are probably many on the Cat who have looked at this thread and thought to themselves "I can't do that" and gone their merry way.

Rather there are many who have looked in and said "I won't stoop that low" and gone on their merry way to the Olde Threads.

Martin, I have ignored all of your crap because of what it is, but you must know you come off as an ignorant ass the way you brag about your so-called ability to write when you know nothing of those to whom you brag. There are many writers on the Mudcat, who've written "off-the-cuff, as you claim, and who could write many, many circles around the few examples you've deigned to share. If you're going to swing a big stick, at least check out the other guy's armory before you will find you are vastly outclassed.

If you don't give a shit, then why are you do you bother?
