The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72985   Message #1262109
Posted By: harpgirl
01-Sep-04 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Facing Frances
Subject: BS: Facing Frances
This is a friend's take on the hurricane bearing down on Flori-DUH:      

    Based on the Brevard County Emergency Management, Sheriffs Office, KSC folks, etc. This isn't gonna be a direct hit but more of a serious slice. Starting ~ Sebastian the eye heads to O-town.
       The folks I talk with behind the scene are trying not to panic the people. By holding back critical information until the first ~180K folks get off the barrier islands, trailer parks are vacated and areas prone to flooding are abandoned it keeps a manageable stream of traffic on the inadequate roads. It's sublimely comical to hear our Governor speak reassuringly of how help will be there for us. Kinda like the wolf saying stay calm only a few will be eaten today. Much of this was anticipated but disregarded as the reckless development was encouraged. If it gets bad enough well pay to fix it. It didn't have to be this severe and the development machine knows it. They'll make a fortune "helping" rebuild.
       If the storm holds steady (which it is expected to strengthen) south to central Brevard (~40 miles) will have a chance to build from a clean slate. Serious information will hit the fan late tomorrow when the certainty becomes apparent. Expect Andrew like devastation to the right of the eye for 25 to 40 miles, Sebastian to Cocoa north.
       Then the real bad stuff kicks in. No power for nearly a month. This is likely to halt water, sewage, gas. The ripple effect of this---no food stores, no gas, no pharmacies, no hardware stores.

I was planning to visit my folks this weekend but driving into the path of a hurricane seems dad won't evacuate. I hope he and my mom aren't in the eye. He lives in a tall heavy building. But my brother doesn't. He is very worried too, but hasn't left yet either. I feel sick about this one....harpy