The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69104   Message #1262120
Posted By: Amos
01-Sep-04 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: Faith in People & their goodness
Subject: RE: Faith in People & their goodness
The nature of the beast is pure-dee aware and good by definition. That is, life-force has certain traits and tendencies which are what we thin of as good; but when it gets loaded down with misplaced thinking, stuck past overwhelms in various directions and so on, the natural impulses (things like justice, open communication, faith in the universe) get soured and ensorcelled with pain and regret and intentions geared to the past rather than the future.

If you care to consider this happening in only one lifetime it is obvious enough, but if you take into account that many people go through these repeating patterns lifetime after lifetime because they haven't learned the tricks of them, it is even more understandable how far from their own basic nature some individuals can get.

That's my take on it, anyway.