The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73011 Message #1263067
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
02-Sep-04 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Must I Be Bound
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Must I Be Bound
Most songs published as Waly Waly are nothing of the kind: the name was used for all sorts of things (including the English Water is Wide, for instance; which people will insist is Irish, for no other reason than that they want it to be) before people started to get their heads around the "floating verse" concept. So far as I can remember, there's no similarity between the Christie tune which I'm guessing that Peggy Seeger used (as simplified and altered by Sedley), judging from Willa's rough approximation, and any of the tunes used for any of the Waly Waly songs that really wereWaly Waly songs... which point you may begin to see what I meant when I tried to suggest that, on the whole, it would be a good idea to restrict discussion in this thread to the song that Willa posted. If we include all the other stuff that bears a vague resemblance to it, we will, as I said, be here forever; and the discussion will become so unfocused that nobody will be the wiser for it. I am already becoming confused myself.