The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72841   Message #1263225
Posted By: Bernard
03-Sep-04 - 04:37 AM
Thread Name: Tech: XP Service Pack 2 - yes or no
Subject: RE: Tech: XP Service Pack 2 - yes or no
I've installed SP2 on three machines in our office running XP Pro (networked with a Win2000 server), two laptops used for AV purposes running XP home (and Office XP), a client's machine running XP Home, and a machine at home, also running XP Home (but not this one, yet, so I have a reference point).

The only 'problem' I've had is a pop up message when trying to run Nero 6 on my own machine, advising me that there is a 'known compatibility issue' with Nero. I logged on to Ahead Software's website, downloaded the update, and all is well.

All the machines in question have been kept up to date with Microsoft's patches, and, whilst I'm by no means a Microsoft fan, I think they are closer to doing their job properly than they've ever been...

Only one of the machines isn't on a network of some sort (the two AV machines are normally linked together via a crossover cable), and no networking problems have yet surfaced. My home network uses this machine as a gateway, and the other XP machine still communicates properly, even with Win98 and Win95 machines (I use them for testing websites, as there are people still using the old technology who need to access my sites).

I'd guess that many problems that appear are more likely to be existing problems which are highlighted when the holes are plugged...