The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72981   Message #1263365
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
03-Sep-04 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: The bushettes
Subject: RE: BS: The bushettes
I agree with the previous post who said far too much attention is given to the kids (of either candidate)   Not the real issue in this campaign by any means.    Part of the dog and pony show from both candidates to show their softer side.   I am surprized that they didn't bring out their pet dogs as well.   

Far more important to me is the Kerry speech minutes after the convention.   After complaining all week that the republicans need to stick to the important issues and lay out a future for America, Kerry proceeds to criticize Bush and Cheney for not serving in Viet Nam. UGH! Why is he still fighting the Vien Nam war?   I really believe that ALL AMERICANS want him to move on.   Does he not get it?