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Thread #72981   Message #1263747
Posted By: Don Firth
03-Sep-04 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: The bushettes
Subject: RE: BS: The bushettes
Larry, where have you been? If Kerry is fighting the Vietnam war, it's because he's been forced to. The digusting attempt to discredit Kerry's established and documented war record by a cabal of right-wing vets who have resented Kerry ever since the days of Vietnam Vets Against the War was bad enough. But after Bush weakly repudiates the attempt to discredit Kerry by saying that Kerry served his country honorably, he then takes his Republican Convention speech as a platform to reopen the same spurious attack. And this from a man who, wanting to avoid the war that Kerry was fighting in, got daddy to help him jump the line to get into the Texas Air National Guard ahead of 500 prior applicants, and then couldn't be bothered to attend meetings.

What, exactly, do you expect Kerry to do? Up to now, he's been very restrained about this issue, but since Bush and his supporters want to keep beating the same drum, it's damned well about time that someone makes a very large point of the so-called military record of the hypocrite who wishes to renew his four-year lease on the White House.

The problem with Kerry and his supporters up to this point is that they are being too damned nice!

Don Firth