The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73042   Message #1263849
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
03-Sep-04 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bill Clinton's health ramifications?
Subject: RE: BS: Bill Clinton's health ramifications?
I just had to add my worthless 2 cents to this---since Clinton is in the hospital my late wife was in. The care and the attention will be even better---and it is just great. Westchester Medical Center at Valhalla. This is not the only reason I empathize with him and his family---I know the feeling. Not liking Bush I add, rapidly, that were he in that position I would also feel for him. Has to do with the old cliche about "any life lost...." though I am sure Clinton will do just fine in this surgery. But, all surgeries are tension creating.

That said---I play tennis with a number of people who have had the surgery and they beat the pants off me. They are all older also.

Back to the politics.   Someone suggested that this draws attention back to him. Come on!!!   I doubt that his angiogram was faked. Are we so cynical that we can only admire dead Presidents who have been out of office for years and not care about a human being without placing an ominous reference to everything that happens.

Suffice it to say that all candidates will offer homilies and words of encouragement and shed crocodile tears as the go about their business.   The family will deal with the tension of surgery.   And, coming from Bush, I have to say it is pure PR---he who (I had read and interviewed the authors of The Bush Dynasty) who think he is one who demeaned the office of Pres. with his personal doings. The poster here who said that W is more of a Bubba has hit it right on the head.

Bill Hahn