The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73015   Message #1263890
Posted By: Shanghaiceltic
03-Sep-04 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Religion Rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Religon Rubbish?
Most religion's are but codes of conduct to live by whether that code of conduct actually believes in a supreme being or not.

The problem comes when fanatics/fundementalists try to make those codes into laws to control other peoples lives. The fanatic/fundementalist are so wound up in their own ideals they cannot see that other beliefs are equally valid. The result is then repression, hatred and war, inquisitions and burnings.

All of the major religions (with the exception of Buddhism) have carried out purges either within or outside of their particular beliefs usually for the gain of power by their leaders.

Even countries without a recognised relgion, China for example, has had codes of conduct which have been regularly hijacked by fanatic groups within, resulting in things like the Cultural Revolution and other purges since it's foundation in 1949.

Religion is not rubbish if it is persued in the manner in which most of its founders set out. Sadly there are too many fanatics and fundementalists hijacking the initial good thoughts and ideas.

I am not religious but nor am I an athiest.