The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14612   Message #126412
Posted By: Okiemockbird
21-Oct-99 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: HTML: Practice thread 10/99
Subject: RE: HTML: Practice thread 10/99
Now try the <blockquote> tag again, not forgetting the hash marks:
But make no mistake about it, the public domain, that informational commons, free to all uses and users, has real social and cultural value. It's a creation of the very first copyright law, the Statute of Anne of 1710, and it's importance is reflected in the limited times language of the copyright clause of the United States Constitution. Discussions of the public domain which center on whether high quality reprints of classics cost more or less than cheaply produced mass market paperbacks trivialize the concept of the public domain by overlooking its more central function as the source to which the creative men and women of each generation turn for the materials they refashion into new and newly valuable works of imagination.

--Law Professor Peter Jaszi, Testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, September 20, 1995.