The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72989   Message #1264393
04-Sep-04 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: A new level of terror
Subject: RE: BS: A new level of terror
I work with guys and gals who are silent at accident scenes because their senses are shocked. They then respond to other scenes like that because someone has to. When you see grown men and women working a scene with professionalism and calm, it's very easy to assume we don't care. Visit us back at the hall when we have done all we can do and it hasn't been enough to save a mother and father the most terrible anguish they'll ever know. You come dry our tears and tell us we don't care.

CarolC does not deserve this particular shit and abuse. The woman--whom I have never met and likely never will meet, and with whom I have had more arguments than anyone else on the 'cat, is a good human being, and to suggest she doesn't care is an egregious wrong. People mourn in manners of their own choosing. Allow her the same rights you accord yourselves.

Sorry to speak 'for' you Carol; we'll likely be back to arguing in a week or two, but now ain't the time.