The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73109   Message #1265270
Posted By: wysiwyg
06-Sep-04 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: Finally Got the Dog to Eat-- Eggs OK?
Subject: RE: Finally Got the Dog to Eat-- Eggs OK?
Oh we tried water-- it worked once or twice, then the mess laid there till it stank up the room.

Yogurt, yes, we usually have. Stock cubes in the US are pretty salty..... but what I am hearing is that there are numerous choices likely to be on hand so I don't have to shop specially, and maybe just swishing the dinner plate with water plus a little oil will do the trick? Really prefer not to add too much nutritional tinkering to what ought to be a good kibble mix...

And yes, twice a day, with water available at all times.

Tell ya what he really likes is for Hardi (our alpha "wolf") to pretend to eat it and growl protectively over it and then give F his "share" of the "kill." :~) Dog eats for me in the AM cuz he's hungry, but for H in the evening cuz it's H. :~)
