The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5905   Message #1265384
Posted By: GUEST,Sandy Dawson
06-Sep-04 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: Songs about Molly Maguires
Subject: RE: Molly Maguires: Songs about?
My husband and I perform in a Celtic band in which we sing a couple of Molly McGuire songs....."Ghost of the Molly McGuires" and "Make way for the Molly Mcguires".
We would be really keen to do some more songs if we could have the words and music. So if anyone can help us we'd be really greatful.
I am especially interested in Rick Boyle's song, "TheMolly McGuires". Rick, if you read this, would you please allow us to have the music and permission to perform (not record) your song?

I have been enthralled with all the info. I have gained from all the above mail. It seems there are differences of opinion as to the motives of the "Molly's". As a "Mugwump" (a fence sitter) I wonder if they could not have started with all good intentions but ended up running foul of the law because of their convictions. Whatever their reasons, there was certainly need for radical change in the mining conditions at the time.

Hope to hear from someone

Sandy Dawson