The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73015   Message #1265745
Posted By: Two_bears
06-Sep-04 - 11:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Religion Rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Religion Rubbish?
I agree with s6k. Buddhism is non-theistic (i.e. no god) and is more a way of life than a religion although it is often classed as such.

And you're sure about that?

Then please explain to me what the buddhist phrase "Namu amida Butsu"?

It is Pureland Buddhism invocation of the Amida Buddah; who is everywhere and at all times (sounds Theistic to me), and to invoke the Amida Buddah into them and become a living buddah.

I'd have to say that technoly, religion IS rubish. It probobly all started because some prehuman couldn't handle telling his kids that gramma was dead, so he said she's gone to heavan. In short, he lied.

On the other hand it searves some useful purposes, like helping people deal with death, convincing the otherwise morly bankrupt that there are concequences to evil, and getting idiots to voet for the republican party.

Belter: I guess you have never seen anything happen that convinces you that a religion is real. Up till 8 years ago I was a convinced athiest; but I had an OBE in 1996 that turned my then worldview om it's head, and gave me a spiritual awakening.

In the last 8 years; I read four translations of the bible cober to cover, assorted scriptures in Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, mormonism, Gnosticism, and a lot of other isms. but I NEVER received any peace until I got away from organized my religions.

After exploring Native American Indian spirituality, and Hawai'ian mysticism; I began to have mystical experiences that proved to *MY* satisfaction that my form of spirituality was real.

i just bought a book on buddhism

s6k: what book did you buy?

I am enjoying "The Three pillars of Zen" by Phillip Kapleau. I just finished reading "Zen Keys" by Thich Nhat Hanh.

Those are the only two buddhism books I would recommend of the 20 or so I have read.

In case you are not aware; Zen is a blending of Buddhism and Taoism.

A friend recommended that I study Dzogchen Buddhism. He recommended that I read "Dzogchen: The Self Perfected state" but the book did nothing for me.

ANL - 2B