The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73133   Message #1265845
Posted By: greg stephens
07-Sep-04 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: WEt Wet Wet and Lamorna/Pomona?
Subject: WEt Wet Wet and Lamorna/Pomona?
What, if any, is the connection between the Scottish group Wet Wet Wet and the shouted "wet wet wet" in the chorus of the old Cornish song "Away down to Lamorna?". Did Marti Pellow play rugby against a Cornish team in his youth, and enjoyed a singsong afterwards? Anybody heard any story abou this?
(NB Mancunians please note, I do know this was originally an old Manchester song about Pomona. But lets face it, the Cornish successfully pirated it a long time ago. It will be sent back to Manchester eventually as part of the international settlement when the Elgin marbles go back to Greece).