The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73133   Message #1265872
Posted By: Bernard
07-Sep-04 - 08:43 AM
Thread Name: WEt Wet Wet and Lamorna/Pomona?
Subject: RE: WEt Wet Wet and Lamorna/Pomona?
Ummm... it's not a Cornish song... it's from Manchester, and the references are Albert Square (in Manchester centre where the Town Hall stands) and Pomona docks on Salford Quays.

It was certainly popularised in its 'Cornish' form by my mates the Yetties of Yetminster (amongst others), and Lamorna was substituted for Pomona somewhere along the line... but it is definitely from Manchester originally!

The connection with Wet Wet Wet seems only to be that people now associate the song with that band for comic reasons during the intro...! Brian is quite right with his explanation!

Should a band with two of those infernal 'Irish' drums be called 'Bodhran Bodhran'? Or should they just be quietly escorted off the premises?!!
