The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73015   Message #1266321
07-Sep-04 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Religion Rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Religion Rubbish?
Well, that's different. It is well know here on Mars that Canada's William Shatner IS a god, worshipped by British people, American people, Canadian peo--why, the list is endless. It is also well known that your particular place in the 'karmic to be' is assured due to your veneration of this great man. Your stalwart defense in the face of his seven or eight human detractors has been duly noted by the Keeper of the Earth History and Grocery List.

Speak on, O Little Hawk. Amaze the masses with the TRUTH about the human we affectionately call Willie. Indeed, tell us about your Willie.