The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73015   Message #1266323
Posted By: belter
07-Sep-04 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Religion Rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Religion Rubbish?
I'm afraid the things I've said weren't clear. Some of you say them so much better.

I certainly desire religious freedom what ever your faith. Mine happens to be atheism. My little jock calling it a religion. I do think religion can serve some useful purposes, and I've no dought there are many good, decent, relious people. I hope they will make the best possible use of there fath to motivate them to be kind and useful members of society, to serve as a philisopical anchor for their personal self actualization, and to guide them morally and ethicly.

But I feel sorry for them. One reason is that I know that they are vonerable to the minipulation those who would hijack religion for their own evil purposes, which has already been much discused hear. Another reason, and I'll admit this is subjective, is they are being lied to, and spreading the lies they were told. They are being controled by long dead liers, and they will infect there childeren. It doesn't matter what religion, orginized or not, how enlightened a lie their religion preaches, I just cann't ignor the lie. Even if accepting it might make me a happier person, and have social advantages in the society that I live in. No dought they pitty me as well, because I'm going to hell, or what ever they believe.

I know it's hard to reconcile this almost millitant atheistic view point with my stated suport of religious freedom. Freedom is what it's about. I may prefer them to wise up and smell reality, but I would fight to the death for their right to their beliefs. Wich was a major point I tried to make in an earlier post. Some one sugjested outlawing religion. That would be a terany at least as terible as any commited in the name of god. I like to say that I'll never ask anyone to kill for my god.

If you disagree with me, please do not be angry. Life is to presious to waste on anger. Enjoy your own belief system, make the best of it, and I'll try to make the best of mine.