The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73158   Message #1266458
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
07-Sep-04 - 10:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Older But Better
Subject: BS: Older But Better
This getting old stuff is a new experience for me. Never done it before. Most people think of getting old because of all that you lose: hair, a waist line, teeth, memory. Your kids move away, as do friends; family members die... all sorts of unpleasant stuff. You forget how to use punctuation properly. All that is true and must be dealt with. But, that's just one side of the coin. There is a lot that you gain as you get older. Wisdom is kinda patchy, because I find that I still do stupid things I should know better not to.

Maybe the best thing you gain (if you're lucky) as you get older is appreciation. Not everyone does, of course. Some folks just get more cantankerous. One thing I think I appreciate more is a good friend. Good friends are hard to find, so it's important to appreciate them when you do. And, as your health gets a little dicey, you start to appreciate what you have left.

Another good thing about getting older is that it can become easier to accept your limitations. Reality is good at teaching you that.

There are many other high-mileage models here on Mudcat. In what ways is your life getting better?
