The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73158   Message #1266586
Posted By: Georgiansilver
08-Sep-04 - 03:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Older But Better
Subject: RE: BS: Older But Better
The reality of course is that life and time moves on at some unstoppable rate which "seems" to get faster as we get older.
I took retirement early last year (ie January 2003) and looked forward to some great times with family....In October, my wife decided she did not want me around and I again found myself on my own.
Since then I have been involved in the five peaks challenge...helped start a gun club for target shooting. Returned to Folk singing/songwriting after an 18 yr break. Writing Poetry after 15yr break and getting it published. Work voluntary in a drop in Centre. Met friends through Friends Re-united, who I have not seen for some 30-40 years. Found the Mudcat!!!!! Worked at getting fitter and generally lived a more active life than I was when with my family.
I see it that I have to enjoy every minute of my life or what is left of it and will work to that end.
Much wiser now and with a little less physical ability....but I intend to use it to the full.
Last year I felt miserable...this year my cup runneth over. Life is what you make it folks, whatever your age.
Best wishes.