The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73158   Message #1266799
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
08-Sep-04 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Older But Better
Subject: RE: BS: Older But Better
Look what you folks hat created! Damn! Makes the youngsters think that maybe they're missing out on something. And they are. I thought the 50's were great, but they can't compare with the 60's. I'm talking years, folks, not calendar decades.

Many, many years ago I did a memorable evening of music for one of the smallest audiences I've ever performed for. As a matter of fact, the first person didn't show up until ten minutes after I was supposed to start. There were 8 people in all, and everyone sat with five or six empty seats between them. Calling it an audience was a gross exageration in itself. I don't ever remember working harder to draw people together, but in time, I felt that I was singing to a group of people, not isolated individuals. When I finished my last song, everyone came up to talk and one man said "all night long we've been talking about the cycle of life." I thought it was an amazing comment, especially as he used the word "we" instead of "you." He gave the same perception of the "cycle of life." He said that when we are young, we concern ourselves with physical activities... sports, work, sex. As we age and our bodies start to slow down, we become more aware of our spiritual life. The man felt that the greatest tragedy in life is when someone dies before they've had the chance to fully experience their spiritual side.

When people are young, they are the Loin King and Loiness. It's not until we have lived a full life before we discover the full power and beauty of love, which is as much spiritual as it is physical. Love ceases to be a "performance" and becomes a sharing. A spiritual as much as a physical union.

My definition of "old" has always been "ten years older than me." I don't have any intention of ever changing that definition.
