The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1266872
Posted By: wysiwyg
08-Sep-04 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest
Sounds to me like she's already been an incredible parent and does not need this kind of backhanded criticism.

Kat, in my great concern for Michelle, I forgot that people might not know that we know each other in real life, and I posted what I am sure she understood, and it was not criticism. Obviously you took my comment differently than I meant it, and then didn't read the rest of my posts strongly affirming her.

A thread in support of one person doesn't need to become an argument among those willing to help. It's not a competition for who is the best helper. Michelle is perfectly able to choose what help she wants to use, as are we all. She does not need to be saved from whatever skewed view you have of me. She makes her own choices just fine.

Michelle, in fact I admire the way you've handled this. I think you are completely capable of dealing with all of it-- the feelings, the practical issues, your health, all of it. I think you ARE handling it. I'm just sorry it's so hard. But you ARE handling it, and with great strength.
