The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73015   Message #1267239
Posted By: GUEST,Paranoid Android
08-Sep-04 - 09:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Religion Rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Religion Rubbish?
Vanity and greed are the basic tenets of ALL religions. Politicians (god bless them) crave power of a material kind, they merely want to control the secular aspects of your life. Religions, on the other hand, want to control your mind, your spirit and your soul. EVERY religion in its vanity believes itself to be the chosen representitive of the SUPERIOR BEING and in its greed wants the world population to surrender to it. Little Hawk can state with certainty that there is a superior being. I can state with equal certainty that there is no superior being but since I have no proof I don't expect anybody to believe me. The fact that he is more eloquent than I is not proof of the existence of the superior being. A man who is trying to impose his will on another (without resorting to violence) is not a true pacifist, hence my statement, "The only true pacifist is an atheist".