The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72985   Message #1267245
Posted By: catspaw49
08-Sep-04 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Facing Frances
Subject: RE: BS: Facing Frances
Harpy? Hey old friend, we're still thinking of you and hoping for the best.

Frances is passing through here now and we have had very solid and steady rain for 24 hours with flood watches, etc. I have an inch or so in the basement but things are supposed to stop by noon tomorrow. This is an amazing storm. It is still pretty well formed and stioll almost a massive as ever. The fact that it still carries so much moisture after all this time is impressive. We have had other hurricanes blow what little was left across us this far north, but I can think of noe anything nearly as strong as this one.

Hope we hear from Harpy soon!
