The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18683 Message #1267346
Posted By: GUEST,
09-Sep-04 - 12:34 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Baby-O (Jimmie Driftwood)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmie Driftwood Song!
I don't know if Jimmy Driftwood did this song or not. I have heard it before. Some of the words are:
"There was a lawyer named Horace McClay (?), he had but few clients and they wouldn't pay, so he courted and married a rich widow"
Those are all the words I can remember. Have you ever heard of this song? I would like a copy of it if it is still around.
There was also another song about lawyers that I used to listen to a lot. Something about being cheaters and takers. Hope you can help me.