The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72989   Message #1267693
Posted By: CarolC
09-Sep-04 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: A new level of terror
Subject: RE: BS: A new level of terror
Wolfgang, in your 09 Sep 04 - 06:06 AM post, you are engaging in the exact same type of thinking that you criticize some others of us for engaging in. You're putting your own interpretation on your empirical observations. And you state this interpretation as fact. Why is it that you feel free to point out when others do it, but you feel perfectly justified in doing it yourself?

I'm not all Americans, but I am one American. Since I fall into the group that is being attacked, I feel that I was in a postition to state my reason for not having posted to this thread. When I did so, my sincerity was called into question. I can't speak for any other US Americans, but until I did finally post my thoughts and feelings on this subject, they were too jumbled up, confused, and grief and horror stricken for me to be able to make a coherent post. Had there been anyone who posted to this thread saying they had been personally effected by the tragragedy, or even if I thought someone from Russia would be likely to read this thread, I would have posted my condolences here immediately.

And of the few posts that do mention Bush, only one of them can be positively verified just from looking at the post, that it comes from a US American. The first mention of Bush came from and ex-pat from the UK living, I believe, in China, another is from an anonymous GUEST, and one is from a Canadian. So it hardly follows that it's the US Americans who only post to threads like this if they can bash Bush. Really, Wolfgang, your thought processes are getting very sloppy in your declining years.

As I said to Big Tim, were all individuals. Please don't attempt to speak for us. You're not our Daddy.