The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1268452
Posted By: LilyFestre
10-Sep-04 - 07:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest
Woke up this morning to, "HOney, you are never going to beleive who called." Veronica's brother called requesting that her school records be sent. Instantly my stomach is in a knot. I called Veronica (woke her up at 6:55am) and asked to speak to her mother. Mother is not there. HMPH. Veronica said that her mom needed a bunch of papers so that she could register Veronica for school. WELL GUESS WHAT? I AM NOT NOT NOT going to do a damn thing to help out that woman. SHE is the one who wants to play MOMMY let her do all the same legwork that I had to do to get Veronica registered. FUCK HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHenever I had a question of importance regarding Veronica, her mother's response was always a long, drawn out...I Dooooooooooon't KNooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww. Well guess what? It's MY turn. I DOOOOOOOOOOOOON'T KNOW. I'm not the responsible adult who took in a girl and loved her and cared for her and saw to her education and health'm the fucking moron who was nothing more than a unpaid baby sitter at that. WHy would I have ANY idea as to how to handle the legistics of getting a child registered in school? _()*)(*^&^$#%^$@$@&^%$&*)^%(&*^$&#^%$#*&%^$^%#$*&%(^   AND the mother didn't have enough nerve to call me herself but sent a child in her place.....should we REALLY have expected anything different? That woman....THAT WOMAN!!!!!!!!!(*&%(&#%^$@&%^$(*&^_*(&)(&%*^#^%)*&^*)&$*^%#$@!#$@^%*(&*%

Seriously Angry Michelle