The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1268636
Posted By: LilyFestre
10-Sep-04 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest
My anger with Veronica's mother is NOT taken out on her in any manner. If Veronica needs her school records, her MOTHER will have to put forth the effort to get them. Legally, I cannot request her information to be transferred as I am no longer Veronica's guardian. Her mother in incredibly lazy in ALL aspects of life and stands with her hand out. I WILL NOT be part of it any longer. It is not MY JOB OR RESPONSIBILITY TO REGISTER VERONICA IN SCHOOL IN NEW YORK STATE. I have not been rude to her mother, I have not cursed at her mother but I'll be damned if I am going to continue doing HER job as a parent. How does that hurt Veronica? She has previously learned from her mother that if you look cute and whine a bit, you generally get what you want without doing for yourself. I did my best to UNTEACH that and will not be a model for Veronica along that venue. If Veronica doesn't get to go to school on time, that is her mother's responsibility and she will have to deal with the legalities of that.

The mother has decided that she wants to play mama for now, let her tend to all that it requires...including taking a day off to get her child's paperwork in order.

You know, I wouldn't be so pissed if the mother (Ana) had taken time each week to write Veronica a note or to stay in touch with her and be part of her life. But she didn't. She abandoned Veronica and we did our very best to help Veronica adjust and make a new life for herself. Now Ana feels gulity, is likely under some observation for fraud from social welfare so she decides it's time to play mommy again. I am pissed and refuse to help because not only has one very wonderful little girl been dragged around, but we were taken advantage of in a HUGE way. And why????? I don't know. We are suffering and hurting and for what? Good things happened for Veronica because of us and I am proud of that....and I want all good things for her....but damn it, I am NOT going to help her mother anymore. I can NOT.

Further, if you don't have the guts to put your name on a post where you criticize....don't bother as I won't respond again.
