The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1268701
Posted By: SINSULL
10-Sep-04 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest
My My My. Sweet Lily has finally had her buttons pushed. I told you anger was good. Vent away. It is all healthy. And get rid of the rage before MAMA calls whining about school records. I actually think our GUEST was trying to help. Glad she was the first to post and not me.

MAMA of course had her son call because she doesn't want to speak to you. You may ask questions she doesn't want to answer.

You can be the concerned adult in this and call the mother with a name and phone number at the school with an explanation that you cannot legally request the records. They won't give them to you. That is in fact the law. Then quickly change the subject - ask about Veronica. The message that you are not going to be involved in the records will be heard loud and clear.

My experience has been that the new school can officially request the records from the old but it may require the mother's signature.

Now - more importantly - how did Veronica sound?

SINS who loves a good temper tantrum