The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73246   Message #1268874
10-Sep-04 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Regulars who pose as Guests
Subject: RE: BS: Regulars who pose as Guests
I wuz reedin thizzeer thred an itz jus like a hole bunch uv others whut tock bowt gests an all. Onliest thing I wuntid ta say wuz ta Little Hawk.

Lookit heer buddy   I aint no made up purson ya dam fool. Me an Paw an Buford an the Reg boyz are reel folks! Now I tell ya that Catspaw izza nice feller an rite smart an all but he dint make us up or make up them storeez. Heez bin noen ta jazz em up sum but thay all happint purty much tha way he tole em.

jus reed the storeez on thizzeer thred an yall gotta no weer tha reel deel. But thiz gest stuff we bin tockin on an on fur a long time an I doan see no poynt innit nomor.
