The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73246   Message #1268890
Posted By: catspaw49
10-Sep-04 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Regulars who pose as Guests
Subject: RE: BS: Regulars who pose as Guests
Geeziz Shambles.....You really are grasping at syraws to keep your "crusade" going! Joe gave a very complete answer on that thread you link and I fail to see any relevance here. Joe's answer:

Subject: RE: Deleted post
From: Joe Offer - PM
Date: 01 May 04 - 02:36 PM

Gee, I wonder how many of you have taken the time to read the post that was deleted - I posted instructions for finding it way at the top of this thread. It was what I call a "no-brainer," and it's the kind of post the JoeClones are allowed to delete - a post that is very obviously against our policy. The post in question is non-music information copy-pasted from an unattributed source by an anonymous poster, with no personal comment from the person who posted the information. It is full of racial and religious bigotry, and I think it fits the definition of "hate literature." It is available at several other locations on the Internet, and I see no reason why it must also be enshrined and protected here.

If you are a registered and known Mudcatter with a posting history, and you want to say something like that and take responsibility for what you say, that's another matter. We still reserve the right to delete the message (but we rarely do), but the decision isn't what I'd call a "no-brainer" any more. If you are known to the community, then you accept the consequences of how the community responds to what you have to say. That's not the case with anonymous posts - they're more like hit-and-run driving.

As for supervision of JoeClones, that's up to Max, and Jeff, and me. We have no reason to submit our selection or supervision of volunteers to public review. If we were to post a list of all the clones, then we'd subject ourselves to scrutiny every time we add or remove a volunteer, and every time we increase or limit a volunteer's responsibilities. What would be the good in doing that?

If you have a question or a request, address it to one of the following:
We're the ones who make the decisions. We have asked the JoeClones not to identify themselves when they edit because we want to take the responsibility for supervising them. They answer to us, not to the public scrutiny of the forum. That's why the "unrepentant clone" posted anonymously in his message above. Believe me, he's not a troll.

So, why is it that we should be obliged to offer a home for the post in question?

-Joe Offer-

So what the hell are you bringing this one back for?
