The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73222   Message #1268967
Posted By: Pogo
10-Sep-04 - 09:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is there a god or not?
Subject: RE: BS: Is there a god or not?

here's the thing...

I'm pretty secure in my own beliefs and they haven't steered me wrong yet and have in fact got me through a great many difficulties in my life.

I do not believe " Christians " should be lumped together into a soulless whole any more than Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus or any religious groups for that matter. My faults and shortcomings are my own, they should not reflect on the next person OR their belief system.

I believe in a loving Heavenly Father and in his son Jesus Christ and many more things that I do not feel inclined to go into great detail on.

BUT I understand too that other people do not and probably never will believe as I believe. That is fine. I do not push religion down people's throats. I only ask that you respect my right to believe as I will and I most certainly will respect yours.

The thing is that you can argue all day long about whether or not God exists but I guarantee you that by the time everything's all said and done, the ones that believe firmly in God will still believe firmly in God and the ones that do not believe in God will still not believe in him. So I ask you (that's the rhetorical 'you' by the way :) )...what then is the point of asking something like " Is there a God or not? " if not to spawn a never-ending cycle of debate and arguement?

Well if that's what you want...go to it. If you're the kind that loves debate for debate's sake well...nothing wrong with that, I guess. But I dunno...basically it seems you're spinning God around in the rinse cycle, hoping to find a dollar and somehow make it worth your while.

Doesn't that sort of cheapen the whole notion of God that you are trying to prove (or disprove as the case may be?)