The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1269163
Posted By: LilyFestre
11-Sep-04 - 07:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest
You know, Veroinca is really a victim here. She has been dragged around, kicked out, forgotten, neglected and the list goes on. In the wake of her mother's destruction are 2 other siblings who no longer were able to have contact with Veronica, her NY friends and now people in the other part of her life are suffering. OBviously my husband and I are having a difficult time...but so are the rest of her new family that was made here. My dearest friend, the one Veronica referred to as Auntie Jenn is heartbroken, her daughter, Veronica's best friend, Kayla is at a loss, Forrest, a little blonde haired blue-eyed boy who had a crush on Veronica is beside himself, my mother and Pete's mother.....neighbors and certain people from church who loved Veronica...all these people are hurting to some degree. I'm glad you are able to see that there is a child who is a victim of completely horrific parenting....but there are many more lives that were touched....don't forget that.

I have done nothing to harm Veronica, nor would I. The schooling issue really is something her mother will have to tend to as I am not legally able to get the information she needs. Veronica knows the name of the school she attended for the last year and a half and what town it is located in. That's all the information her mother needs to know to get in contact. Also, Veronica has been with her mother for a month now. School starts on Monday for Veronica. If she was so concerned with this information, why wait until the last minute? HEr first priority is not her children and never will be. That is clear in every single thing she does. It's a shame, a dirty rotten shame.