The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14579   Message #126949
Posted By: Margo
22-Oct-99 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: I am humbled
Subject: RE: I am humbled
Here's a chuckle, Kat. Speaking of man/woman housekeeping: Jack came home yesterday to a messy house. He asked about my day, and I explained that I had done laundry, laundry, and more laundry. (When he gets down to one pair of BVD's he asks me to do laundry). Then I said, "Yeah, I know. It doesn't look like I've done anything. But you see, you can have either clean laundry or a tidy house. But I can't do both clean laundry and tidy house. But if you want dirty laundry and messy house, well, no problem! I can do that!" Jack got a laugh out of that. Margo