The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65389   Message #1269502
Posted By: GUEST
11-Sep-04 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whine Fest
Subject: RE: BS: Whine Fest
Sinsull being called an 'unfit foster mother' has obviously had an effect on you. You are quite right I have no experience of how that would feel.

But to damn a whole profession because of bad apples within it's ranks is extreme.

Presumably then you would not call the police if you woke one night to find intruders trying to break into your home, because of Rodney King's experiences.

And then of course there are abusive priests, incompetent surgeons and crooked accountants. They exist, but they are not representative of their colleagues as a whole.

I think that a social worker who has been promoted through the ranks has probably had more experience than a fresh faced college leaver, can not see a problem there either.

Flaming? No, just not in agreement with you, which in your view amounts to the same thing. are right. She is angry because she cares. Nothing wrong with that at all.