The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73274   Message #1269900
Posted By: GUEST,Different One
12-Sep-04 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: In Remembrance
Subject: RE: In Remembrance
Forgive me Nathan, but you sound like a racist jerk. Americans like you, who responded to 9/11 with hate scare me more than the terrorists, honest to god.

I and two of my cousins have birthdays this weekend: on the 11th, 12th, and 13th. We talked about this not so long after the events of the day, and none of us felt that we would associate the attacks with our birthdays. We live far away from the sites of the attacks, we didn't know any of the people killed or their family members, though we know plenty of people who live in the areas of the attacks who weren't immediately effected by it.

It seems maudlin to me to brood about this, just because it is your birthday. Your racist hatred is just plain ugly.

My dad's birthday is the same day as the JFK assassination, but he never dwelt upon that, nor do we do any sort of "remembrance" of Kennedy, as much as my father liked him as president.

Maybe it's time for you to grow up Nathan, and look at the events of the day as what they were: a tragedy that didn't directly effect most Americans, despite the racist reactionary flag waving that was everywhere in the first few months, along with hate crimes against ALL minorities going through the roof around the country.