The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73274   Message #1269924
Posted By: GUEST
12-Sep-04 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: In Remembrance
Subject: RE: In Remembrance
Like hell I do.

Nathan also said this:

"I watched these scenes replayed again and again throughout that
day, each time the tears dripped down my cheeks, fear flowed
through my veins, anger burned my cheeks, and hatred glowed in
my eyes...We all felt the same."

Well, I was at work in an urban high school full of teenagers. The TV was on all day, but most of us got back to the business at hand immediately. Most Americans couldn't afford the luxury of staying home from work, in a dark room, watching 9/11 events non-stop like this self-obsessed, narcissistic 20-something twit did.

We have a sizable Muslim population in our school (and district), and more than ever, they needed our PROTECTION FROM ATTACKS. In school and on the way home. We had to deal with their hysterical parents and guardians rushing to school to get them out of fear their kids would be killed by backlash vengeance attacks by ugly Americans. Innocent Muslim kids who had already been traumitized by the hell they and their families had gone through (many of them have been orphaned) to get to the US. I most certainly DID NOT feel the same as Nathan Tompkins.

Nathan also said this:

"Oh I still feel the fear, the anger and the hatred, but
in different ways...The hatred is for the societies and environments that permit such madness, such disregard for life, such extreme religious fervour to breed and to bloom to create armies ready to die for their god, spreading death and tears in the place of love and

It is always perfectly clear to me when I see these sorts of ignorant, racist remarks about Muslims, that the person spouting such hateful crap has probably never met a Muslim in their life.

Let me make this perfectly clear to both Nathan and JennyO. Nathan and people like him absolutely DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME AS AN AMERICAN. I am not about hating entire societies (the word "societies" works as a wonderfully PC code word for race/religion) for the perversely sick acts of a handful of men.

Owe Nathan an apology? Not on your life.
