The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73274   Message #1270054
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
12-Sep-04 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: In Remembrance
Subject: RE: In Remembrance
"Oh I still feel the fear, the anger and the hatred, but in different ways...The hatred is for the societies and environments that permit such madness, such disregard for life, such extreme religious fervour to breed and to bloom to create armies ready to die for their god, spreading death and tears in the place of love and forgiveness."

Reads to me, like a condemnation of the whole human race... and one that is VERY justified... But I agree with the above folks... don't let the actions of a few zealots ruin your birthday for the rest of your life... Every day is the anniversary of some atrocity or other... But it's also the anniversary of some great triumph or other... better to focus on the latter no, G-4:30?

"I call a spade a spade--and a racist a racist."
Calling 'a spade a spade' IS a racist comment... so maybe you'd better see a doctor about that serious rectal-cranial inversion you seem to be suffering, G-10:37... cause you have some good points about "innocent Muslim Children" absolutely... Cause Muslims didn't 'do' 9/11... insane zealots did... an NO country has a monopoly on THOSE!   But I think you're guilty of reading your own agenda into Nathans post... And your inflammatory accusations don't help at all either... you're only eroding what little firm ground you have...